Chapman, Brinkley, Swamy, Tiede, and Grumbles discuss solutions to campus challenges
Five panelists offered their view on solutions to a complex system of shared governance and academic freedom at UNC-Chapel Hill and beyond.
Five panelists offered their view on solutions to a complex system of shared governance and academic freedom at UNC-Chapel Hill and beyond.
The Graduate School and its Royster Society of Fellows hosted part one of a two-part discussion on shared governance and academic freedom at institutions of higher education.
While the history of higher education is one of constant tensions among state, private and faculty power, recent attacks on the work of researchers and educators are more subject to disinformation and political polarization than in decades past
While the history of higher education is one of constant tensions among state, private and faculty power, recent attacks on the work of researchers and educators are more subject to disinformation and political polarization than in decades past.
The 2021 online Royster Global conference drew 29 doctoral student participants, including more than a dozen from institutions beyond the United States.
At the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media, Ekstrand is an associate professor and teaches courses in media law to graduate and undergraduate students.
StigmaFree Carolina, an initiative of The Graduate School’s Royster Society of Fellows, will host a virtual panel discussion on mental health within the Black community on Nov. 2.
StigmaFree Carolina, an initiative of The Graduate School’s Royster Society of Fellows, hosted a virtual panel titled “Setbacks and Failures: The Road to Success in Academia.”
CoronaChat team produces bilingual content to address ‘a real gap in Spanish-language information on coronavirus.’
Doctoral alumnus is determined to make a difference in his home community as the first chief operating officer for the International African American Museum