Graduate orientation held on August 16, 2023
More than 800 incoming graduate students gathered at the 2023 Graduate Orientation on Wednesday, August 16, members of the 2,400 new graduate students beginning at UNC-Chapel Hill this semester.
Kate McAnulty, senior associate dean for student affairs at The Graduate School, welcomed the new Tar Heels to campus by saying, “Higher learning — and graduate education in particular — is an investment in your future and we are so pleased that you chose to continue your education here at Carolina, an institution that’s committed to providing you with the tools necessary for a successful graduate experience and beyond. ”
The annual graduate orientation event included presentations, a resource fair, smaller breakout sessions and social events. The morning events featured a panel with faculty from programs across campus, including Chris Clark, associate professor of political science, Trenette Clark Goings, professor of social work, Amanda Holliday, associate professor of Public Health, Heidi Hennink-Kaminski, senior associate dean at the Hussman School of Media and Journalism, Alex Miller, professor of chemistry, and Kumi Silva, associate professor of communication.
This was followed by a panel of student representatives who answered questions provided by Laura Thorp, director of student affairs at The Graduate School, including questions submitted by new students in the audience.
A “vast array of resources”
More than forty different University and community organizations, including Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG), Chapel Hill Transit, Student Life and Leadership and the UNC Visitors Center participated in the resource fair, held at the Blue Zone in Kenan Memorial Football Stadium. Campus tours customized specifically for graduate students drew hundreds of participants.
Building new connections
The afternoon included breakout sessions on topics such as “Transitioning to the American University”, “Coping with Imposter Syndrome”, and “Connecting with Carolina and the Community.” Some breakout sessions were led by members of The Graduate School’s Orientation Ambassadors, multidisciplinary team of graduate students who worked with The Graduate School to plan and implement the 2023 Graduate Orientation.
In her concluding remarks, McAnulty urged students to build new connections.
“I encourage and challenge you to make the most of your time here today — meeting new colleagues and administrators and absorbing the vast array of resources that are available to you as a Carolina graduate student.”