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Through engaged research, community leaders and students collaboratively address issues and serve people in need

Naeema Muhammad and Pavithra Vasudevan
Naeema Muhammad and Pavithra Vasudevan

Watch a video on how Pavithra Vasudevan, a UNC doctoral student in geography, is working with community organizer Naeema Muhammad on the collaborative research project “Race and Waste in an Aluminum Town.”

“It was an opportunity for the people in West Badin to … have a better understanding of why the community members were concerned …”
—Community organizer Naeema Muhammad, speaking about “Race and Waste in an Aluminum Town”

Engaged research: complementing community stewardship with Carolina scholarship

Pam Hemminger and Jessica Soldavini
Pam Hemminger and Jessica Soldavini

Watch a video on how Jessica Soldavini, a UNC doctoral student in nutrition, is working with Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger to provide meals for children in need in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

“The students … got to see that their community cared about them.”
—Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger, speaking about the program “Food for the Summer”

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