The Graduate Education Advancement Board (GEAB) supports The Graduate School and the University through proactive advocacy and generating funds for graduate education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. During the fall 2013 GEAB meeting, Chancellor Carol L. Folt (pictured right) shared her perspective on the importance of graduate education at Carolina and the ways in which the graduate programs are essential to the University’s research strength.
2013 GEAB Impact Awards
The Graduate Education Advancement Board recognizes research benefiting North Carolina.

Graduate School Summer Research Fellowships
The Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship program provided summer support to 34 graduate students in 2013.
Fellowship benefactors and other honorees met fellowship recipients at a fall reception in honor of this remarkable partnership.

Graduate Education Advancement Board Members
Penny Aldrich
Suzanne Buchta
Donald Buckley
Ivy Carroll
Debashish Chatterjee
Timothy Crowder
William Darity
Lana Dial
David Edwards
Brent Glass
Harold Glass
Jean Grainger
Michael Harpold
Frances Hoch
Verla Insko
Ross Johnson
Blair Kutrow
Robert Laport
Howard Lee
David Lewis
Susan Lord
Andrew McMillan Jr.
David McNelis
Francis Meyer
Philip Nelson
Laurie Sanford
Drusilla Scott
Kenneth Smith
Carol Smithwick
Thomas Sox
Priscilla Taylor
Burnet Tucker
Beth Whitaker
GEAB Members Emeritus
Lyle Jones
Peace Sullivan
Charles Weiss
GEAB Members Honorary
Barbara Hardin
Paul Hardin
Mrs. Thomas S. Royster
Thanks to the members of the GEAB for their valuable assistance and support.