We know you have them. Tucked away in a closet or in that storage chest you hardly ever open are photos from your days as a graduate student at Carolina. We want to see them — dated hairstyles, interesting fashion choices and all.
Our recent survey of alumni readers told us that you’d like to reconnect to this time of your life and to share memories with other alumni. Future issues of The Graduate School’s newsletter will include photo displays of your “graduate student memories.” We invite you to send us your own for our first foray into the past.
The photos can show any scene from your Carolina graduate school days. Please provide detailed caption information. We will take good care of your treasured photos and return them to you once we’ve made a copy. We’re excited! You can email your photos tosaine@email.unc.edu or mail them to:
Deb Saine
218 Bynum Hall
Campus Box 4010
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-4010
Please include contact information – and thanks!